Thursday, April 22, 2010

22 on 22

Tomorrow, April 23rd, is my 23rd birthday. Which means that today, April 22nd, is my last day being 22. (Such perfect number synchronization!)

The past twelve months of my life have whizzed by. True, some days at the office moved more slowly than the last bits of maple syrup dripping down the sides of the Aunt Jemima container. But for the most part, I can hardly believe it's nearly been a full year since I blew out the candle on a complimentary pastry at Fellini's with a dozen of my college friends in Ardmore, PA.

As I approach 23, I'm wishing for a year that's happy, healthy, and gives me a bit more life direction than 22 did. Also, it'd be nice to prove Blink-182 wrong ("Nobody likes you when you're 23" - What's My Age Again?). I actually like the sound of 23 more than 22, if that makes any sense. Then again, I'm probably biased.

Drawing inspiration from a post in list form that my other half wrote for New Year's Eve (check her out at, I compiled 22 significant things I've done since my 22nd birthday. While I'm not exactly a career woman rolling in the dough just yet, this blogger has gotten through a decent Year One in the real world and come out still standing, and that's good enough for me. Here we go.

1) I finished my thesis on language
2) I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time
3) I graduated college with 2 degrees
4) I started a blog
5) I went to VT, AC and DC
6) I received a student leadership award
7) I applied to jobs
8) I learned to cook more than just macaroni & cheese
9) I read 10 books for leisure
10) I got hired
11) I survived 32 days without seeing my girlfriend
12) I ate a meal in pitch-black darkness
13) I took a private writing class
14) I saw 3 Broadway shows and 2 concerts
15) I hosted a party
16) I started paying off my loans ($49,000 to go...)
17) I danced in the snow in a bikini
18) I filed a tax return
19) I traveled between NY and Philly more times than I can count
20) I made friends with co-workers
21) I joined a book club
22) I celebrated 2, then 2 1/2 years with the one I love

Quelle année.
Here's to what's to come.

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