Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Newspaper Nugget (Metro NY, 6/14/10)

It's not the Times, but it'll do.

Words of wisdom from, of all places, the horoscopes section of this morning's edition of Metro NY:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
"There's a good chance that you're on the verge of producting something that has impressive potential. Keep doing what you're doing, because it could earn you a higher position in life."

Not that I normally follow my horoscope (or believe that astrology holds the precious keys to the secrets of universe), but reading these words on my crowded Q train at 8 AM gave me a faint flicker of hope that maybe things really will work out exactly the way I want them to. Generation Y, this message was handmade for you and me. Entry-level desk job living is not the heart of life; it's a temporary period. The ladder must always remain in sight; climbing higher is the inevitable goal.

Usually, I spend most of my commute nitpicking the strange spelling and grammar bits scattered across my favorite free daily newspaper (today's World Cup 2010 article: "France have reached the final twice" and "South Africa have the second lowest ranking"). But today I have to thank Metro for a quiet reminder of future success in a time of frustration hidden within its pages-- even if it was written by a psychic with the exotic given name of "Bernice Bede Osol." Here's looking at you, Bernice.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Blogaversary To Me

No cards or flowers necessary.

Exactly one year ago, I started this blog on a complete and total whim, not knowing whether or not it would end up as yet another one of my failed writing experiments. I was fresh out of college, unemployed and utterly lost.

Today, I'm employed, slightly less fresh out of college and just as directionless, but I'm happy to say that in the past 12 months I've produced 34 posts of original written content on Dodging the Real World.

It's been a useful outlet-- a good friend that's been there when I felt particularly compelled to write about a particular topic that was itching me at the time. In spite of all kinds of daily real world distractions, I cranked out an entry whenever possible. I even received responses, more than I ever expected. Comments are a nice surplus in the blogger world-- the only surefire indication that somebody out there is actually reading what you write. I've appreciated each and every bit of reader feedback.

My blogging goals for the the upcoming year are to 1) write more often, and 2) feel less pressured into writing such massive, painstakingly thought-out entries. If anything is holding me back, it's that. Sometimes I feel that a Tumblr page might be better suited to the blogging tendencies of a 23-year-old: it's quicker, easier, and more prone to bite-sized entries than Blogger is. To switch over or not to switch? The thought has crossed my mind quite a bit these days.

But (there's always a but) I'm not giving up on this thing just yet. I'm already invested in it, and look forward too much to what will spill out of my head and onto the screen in the weeks/months/years to come. And so, I hope you'll join me in wishing a happy 1st birthday to this little blog of mine. No gifts, please. Just good vibes.

Here's to Year #2!