Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Blog is a Toddler

Happy blogger birthday to me! Today this little blog of mine turns two years old. Since its conception in 2009, LFTRW has seen a number of layout and design changes, and more recently a name/URL change. I've stubbornly resisted categorizing my blog, so the content has been diverse, opinionated and always original. Thank you to those who have stumbled upon this page and read even a single entry. My gratitude is genuine and I hope you'll stick around for more.

Looking forward to the not-so-terrible twos and beyond,


  1. Happy blog-iversary! I'm looking forward to lots more posts, be they insightful, snarky, or otherwise. :)

  2. Thanks for the blogger love! Your own blogiversary will come sooner than you think (time flies, especially when you're baking delicious treats)
